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Musical Theatre

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Musical Theatre Society


Welcome to the exciting world of Musical Theatre Society at the University of Huddersfield! 

Whether you have a burning passion for performing or are eager to explore a new artistic avenue, our society is the perfect platform for you. We take pride in being one of the university's Gold achieving societies, winning Event of the Year 2023 for our annual showcase. We offer comprehensive training in the three main art forms of performance: singing, dancing, and acting.

Throughout the year, we provide ample opportunities for you to showcase your talent to diverse audiences. While our main focus is preparing for the spectacular end-of-year showcase in March, we also organize various performances and events. No matter what course you're pursuing, our society welcomes all theatre enthusiasts. By joining us, you'll forge lasting friendships beyond your degree and immerse yourself in an enjoyable yet challenging experience.

Whether you're an experienced performer or just starting out, our friendly and supportive environment guarantees a fun-filled journey. As a member, you'll have access to all rehearsals, musical theatre shows, events, and socials throughout the year at no additional cost. Get ready for exciting highlights such as our incredible end-of-year two-act extravaganza. Our socials are equally fantastic, featuring game nights, karaoke sessions, pub golf, open mic nights for charity, and much more. There's always something to look forward to within our vibrant society!

Should you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to us via email at or connect with us on Instagram at @mt_society.hudd. Our dedicated committee members are also available to assist you in any way they can, their socials can be found in the next tab!

Join the University of Huddersfield Musical Theatre Society today and embark on an unforgettable journey of artistic growth, camaraderie, and sheer entertainment!



Meet The Committee


Marcell Blake (he/him)

The adhd autistic kid, that everyone loves <3
Hey I'm Marcell, my favourtie musicals are Descendants and The Lion King
I can't wait to meet you all x

Instagram: marcellblake

Vice President

Emily Delphine (She/Her)

Hey! I’m Emily, Vice President of MT and I’m currently a second year English Lit with Creative Writing student!

Musicals are something I have grown up loving, my favourite being Hairspray.

I have not had the pleasure of being a part of many musicals and

that’s why I cherish my time in this society so much.

Instagram: emily.d_oates_

Production Manager

Elise Barry (She/her)

Hi everyone, I’m Elise - a third year Game Design Student and your Production Manager this yearcheeky

Being on the MT committee as Social Sec previously, I’m excited to step into a new role and use my previous knowledge to expand and make the society bigger and better then ever! heart

I’ve loved Musicals for as long as I can remember but my favourite is Heathers the Musical, How Verydevil

Instagram: elisebarry_x

Social Secretary

Chelsea Stevenson (she/her)

Hiya guys, my name is Chelsea and I'm a final year masters student, studying Education (SEND)

I first got into musical during my first year of uni, back in 2020. My favourite musical is Dear Evan Hansen, 
followed by SIX and Everybody's Talking About Jamie

Instagram: @chelsea_youthwork

Equalities Officer

Isla Oliver (She/Her)

Hi everyone, I’m Isla and I am the Equalities Officer for MT this year. I’m a final year Drama student.
Singing and performing has been a hobby of mine for as long as I can remember. My favourite musical has to be Joseph and the amazing technicolour dream coat becasue it is the first musical I saw live, and the first one I ever loved
Outside of being in MT, I spend my free time singing for a living in local pubs, clubs, caravan parks, care homes. You name it, I've probably done it.

Instagram: @isla_grace03