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Make A Change

Huddersfield Students' Union thrives on your involvement and fresh perspectives. Our goal is to empower you to enact significant change on campus and in the larger context. Whether it involves participating in elections, taking on roles as Student Leaders, advocating for policies at SU Council, engaging in crucial discussions during our Forums, or spearheading impactful Campaigns – there's a multitude of opportunities to engage, voice your thoughts, and shape the experience for fellow students.

Furthermore, we boast a dedicated team of full-time staff, known as Voice & Representation, here to assist you every step of the way. All it takes is an idea – you don't need to be an expert; it could be your first venture into campaigning or your fifth time running for elections. We work diligently behind the scenes to empower Officers and students in bringing about the changes they aspire to see. With expertise in democracy, campaigns, liberation, and academic representation, we have your back.

Where will your aspirations take you? Explore more about Your Big Ideas, Student Networks, Campaigns, and Elections below to embark on this transformative journey.

Your Big Ideas

Got something awesome in mind? This is where you can share your cool ideas. You can suggest things you think would make our university better, or you can just give your thumbs up or thoughts on what others have said. Your voice counts, and it can help shape the way things are done here.

Student Networks

Ever wanted to be part of a special group that talks about things that matter to you? That’s what Student Networks are all about. We have five groups, like that focus on different important topics. These groups are for people who might not always have their voices heard. You can choose from: Women’s Network (for gender-related discussions), Global Citizens Network (for international and cultural matters), Disabled Students Network (for accessibility and support), BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) Ambassadors (for diverse voices), and the LGBT+ Network (for LGBTQ+ topics).


Think about something you really care about – maybe it's fairness, the environment, or something else. Over the years, students just like you have started different kinds of campaigns to make important things happen. Whether it's a one-time effort or a longer project, we can help you turn your passion into a real campaign that can bring positive changes.


Remember that we’re all students here – this is our world. The way things work is led by students, for students. If you want to have a bigger say in how things go around here, you can join Elections. It's like applying for a full-time job for a year. This role allows you to help decide and lead in the upcoming year. Our Officer Team, comprised of students who play a key role in leading our student union, is chosen through these Elections. So, next time, it could be you making things happen


If you're unsure about any of these platforms, don't hesitate to contact us for more information. We're here to help: