Alumni Student Membership grants recent graduates from the University of Huddersfield the chance to access a limited number of benefits of the Union.
This is an annual membership that will expire on the 31st of July.
Alumni Student Membership is only available for a maximum of two academic years after graduation and you must have a specific reason for purchasing a membership.
Access to services, facilities and resources provided by the Union.
Access to Union events upon registration and payment for tickets.
Access to purchase an annual membership of a Union Sports Club or Society.
As an Alumni Member you shall not have the right to access or engage in the following:
Attending, speaking or voting at a Union meeting (including the committee meetings of Sports Clubs and Societies).
Hold any office or take part in the election of Union Officers or Committee positions in Sports Clubs and Socities.
Participate in the democratic activities of the Union.
Access the Advice Centre.
Participate in Student Networks.
Please make sure you have read the full terms and conditions before purchasing a membership.
Click here to view terms and conditions
Alumni Student Membership Terms and Conditions
This document outlines the terms and conditions for the Alumni Student Membership ("Membership") offered by the University of Huddersfield Students' Union ("Union"). By purchasing the Alumni Student Membership, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.